Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ivrit news from 3rd grade!
September 12, 2014                                                       17 of Elul, 5774

Dear Parent and Student,
We had a wonderful week! We worked on our writing skills in our Machberet Ivrit (Hebrew writing journal).
This week we started our container (special box) project.  The students teamed up with partners who brain-stormed how their box should be designed, what can be put inside and why this box is important. For example: (first aid, music supplies, Shabbat…).
Next week’s vocabulary:
בְּרָכָה – Blessing Card
סְלִיחָה – Forgiveness / sorry
חוּלְצָה –shirt
מִכְנָסַיִם – Pants
שִׁמְלָה - Dress
חֲצָאִית – Skirt
בְּרָכָה - Blessing
עָשָׂה – Did (S/M)
עָשְׂתָה  - Did (S/F)
מַעֲשֵׂה – Deed
For Your Attention:
1.     Spelling test on Wednesday 9-17-2014 (words attached)

2.     Homework will be assigned daily, homework is due next day. Ivrit Homework is in The Green Folder along with General studies homework assignments.

I would like to wish you and your family,
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Eva